Monday, 16 August 2010

2 Types of Hand and Footprints To Keep

My local pottery shop has just closed and I was at a loss
for a keepsake of Little Seed's handprints.

I found some white Fimo Clay from The Range.

I didn't roll it out, just made his prints and wrote his name underneath
with a cocktail stick.
There are two holes made with the end of a paintbrush for hanging it up.

Big Seed also made some hand and footprints.
These were made from a "Inkless Hand and Footprint Kit" bought from Ebay,
and it costs under £5.
You wipe his hand with a special wipe and print onto special paper.
We got 3 sheets in the kit, 2 for Big Seed and 1 for Little Seed.
It is what they use for official fingerprinting.

Look how detailed they are.

I wanted to use this when Little Seed was a month old, when his hand was it its tiniest,
but I was concerned about the chemicals.

We did these activities before bath-time so I could ensure any clay residue,
or wipe residue was completely washed off.

Would make a nice gift too.


  1. It would make a fabulous gift. I can just see the appreciative smiles of grandparents. Lovely :-)

  2. Lovely way to save the memory. We did footprints and handprints in salt dough and painted them, when they were little. It doesn't give the definition that your method does, but the children are fascinated to see how they have grown.

    I bet the boys had great fun making them.


Thanks for dropping by xx

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