Sunday, 4 September 2011

Fairy Inspired Floral Arrangements

The two seeds made some gorgeous floral table arrangements,
while there are still some blooms around.
There are many ways to do this if you don't have a large garden:
You could just arrange your cuttings  in a vase,
or just gather greenery and twigs if you don't have flowers,
or go to the park/nature walk and gather wild flowers

We are staying with the Flower Fairies Book
( which has boy characters in it) and went to gather some
end of Summer flowers.

The boys cut them with scissors, they used small oasis,
dunked them in a bowl of water and placed them on a plant pot saucer.

Here they are engrossed, they enjoyed poking the stems in the soft oasis.
It needs good grip and control.

Here are the finished pieces by Big Seed and Little Seed.

One for our dinner table and one for the nature table.

When the oasis dries out we are going to recycle it for dried Autumn arrangements.



Thanks for dropping by xx

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