Now I am back working some days I find it quite difficult
to organise Montessori based trays but I did this with
things I had in the house already and kept it very simple.
This started with Big Seed's current interest in "What are clouds?"
Here is what is on our shelves for our rain week.
Activities for a 4 year old and a 2 year old.
Playscape: Blue silk, felted pond, ducks, blue bricks, wool, blue and clear glass beads as rain drops, frogs, felt lilypads, eco blocks, a little bell and a huge shell.
One of Little Seeds watercolours cut into a cloud with drops drawn on.
He has to cover the drops with glass beads.
More of Little Seeds watercolour paintings.
I have drawn raindrops and clouds for them to cut out and to hang/make a mobile.
Using pipette to drop water on to soap pad.
Also used this with paper towels covered in felt-tip dots.
This was popular.
Tonging clouds ( cotton wool balls)
2 tongs for 2 abilities.
Drawing box.
Paper cut into clouds and raindrop shapes.
Different blue mediums.
Spooning raindrops.
Small mini crystals/ clear beads from Ebay.
Opening 6 cocktail umbrellas onto a sponge.
( Too hard for Little Seed on his own.. He did enjoy trying though.
He likes this the best because he needs to master it....
Thankfully you can buy them in a bulk pack from Ebay!)
Making puddles expand.
Dropping water with a pipette onto kitchen towel.
Good with felt-tip dots on them too.
Explaining how clouds work. Dropping water with a pipette
then squeezing them when they feel heavy.
Using blue do-a-dot pen to put raindrops on raincloud shaped paper.
I put marks for him to aim for.
3 part cards - clouds