Thursday, 2 May 2013

Bees Are Back....and so are we!

Little Seed has become very interested in bees so I am taking this as our main focus this week.
I am starting the blog up again as a focus now for my second preschool son.

We found a dead bumble bee in the garden and that sparked his interest.

We started with making bees from paper plates.

We made several to fix onto the window.

Then we made honeycomb from an egg carton and painted it yellow.
When it is dry we are going to put tiny eggs made of  rice in them...and watch them grow!
We will act out the worker bees/ drones/ nursing type bees, etc.

We made honeycomb from tessellating shapes

Mellisa and Doug shapes set

Added 20 bee beads from Ebay

Dandelion prints because they are so abundant in our garden.

It reminded me of this post I did a few years ago:
so we made some Dandelion Cookies again.
They were delicious.

By some magic synchronicity..there was a kid's Bee production on at the local theatre.

What a great day for bees!



  1. Sunshinebythesea6 May 2013 at 21:26

    Lovely to see you back :) Little seed has grown so much xxx


Thanks for dropping by xx

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